Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bodice Ripper Scene 4

A closed chapel is part of the Estate; it’s crammed into what looks like a row of townhouses. The workers are petitioning to have it opened, not because they are interested in religion, but because they know that if the chapel is operating the Lady will have to attend, and they want to gaze upon her. The Viscount knows this and feels as if they’ve put him over a barrel by pretending to want to go to church. In one scene the Lady makes an error by referring to her husband as Count instead of Viscount.

The Lady becomes stronger in this scene, which begins to place the two main characters on a more equal footing.  According to Tony Crisp, a chapel can represent the “powerfully regenerative side of our inner life or feelings.” Here, my chapel is jammed into the middle of the mundane workaday world—the row of townhouses. And my chapel is closed. The fighting workers of the last scene play a part by demanding the chapel be reopened. The Viscount is outfoxed by the workers, losing some of his power. The Lady is less intimidated by her husband, as evidenced by the slip she makes regarding his rank. Now the two can cooperate in a useful venture, as you’ll see in the next and final scene.

This dream has been interpreted by the well-known dream worker Jane Teresa Anderson in  Episode 44 of The Dream Show.

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